sorrowfully yours...
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had the same telephone number. I inherited my first mobile number from my dad. It’s stored under my name

Crinimal Aminal
The pinnacle of this demonstration would be seeing this big bird with its long legs slip and slide across the icy surface. The video documen

The Beaten Athlete
I’ve never been drawn to feminist rhetoric. Not that I don’t think its important and an incredibly valuable discourse to advance the predica

obscenely yours...
The self driving car is on its way. When we say ‘self driving’, we naturally assume that some quite essential central circuitry in this whee

Snorry, I forgot
During our sleep cycle we make a couple of hundred minute little movements. This excludes the incredibly entertaining yet alien and absurd s

entertainingly yours...
Since I’ve owned a car, I’ve also owned a pair of windshield wipers. But waaaay before that, there were pamphlets and the people who distrib